- “Age, Politics and Motherhood in Maria Edgeworth’s Helen”. Pride and Prejudices: Women’s Writing of The Long Eighteenth Century, Chawton House Library, Hampshire, England, July 4-6, 2013.
- “Hyperbole and Realism in Smollett’s Roderick Random”. Midwest American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Madison, WI. Oct.12-14, 2012.
- “’The pleasure in cutting them up’: Undercover Satire in Burney’s Evelina”. Midwest American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Terre Haute, IN. Nov. 4-6, 2011.
- “The Uses of Satire.” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vancouver, Canada. Mar.16-19, 2011.
- “Crossing Generic Borders: Maria Edgeworth as Satirist”. British Women Writers Conference, College Station, TX. Apr.8-11, 2010.
- “Innovations in Education: Women Teaching Men in Maria Edgeworth’s Irish Tales”. Midwest American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Oklahoma City, OK. Oct. 9-11, 2008.
- “”Let us dare to be ourselves!’: The Female Education of Lord Glenthorn in Maria Edgeworth’s Ennui." British Women Writers Conference, Bloomington, IN. Mar. 27-30, 2008.
- “The Aging Rake vs. the Superannuated Coquette in Frances Burney’s The Wanderer” Midwest American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Minneapolis, MN. Oct. 12-15, 2006.
- “Ann Radcliffe’s Multifaceted Use of Landscape in The Italian” Southeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Athens, GA. Mar. 2-4, 2006.
- “The New Frontier of Old Age in Frances Burney’s The Wanderer” Midwest American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St. Louis, MO. Oct. 7-10, 2004.
- “’That fantastical animal my sister’: the Antiquated Maiden as Figure of Fun in Smollett’s Humphry Clinker” Midwest American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Chicago IL. Nov.7, 2003.
- “Rakes and Races: Art’s Imitation of Life in Evelina.” Southeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Columbia, SC. 28 February-1 March, 2003.
- “Editors and Authors: Conflicts, Collaborations and Common Interests.” Invited paper, “Reconstructing the Author: Making a Life out of the Work of Clara Reeve.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Atlanta, GA. 9-12 November, 2001.
- “Handel, Gay and ‘that Unnatural Taste for Italian Musick’.” Southeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Huntsville, AL. 1-3 March, 2001.
- “Clara Reeve’s School for Widows: A Community of Mentors.” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, New Orleans, LA. 18-22 April, 2000.
- “Responsibility to the Text: Editing 18th-Century Women Writers.” Southeast American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, Millenium Meeting, Savannah, GA. March 2-4, 2000.
- “Aging and Opportunity: Growing Older in Clara Reeve’s School for Widows.” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Milwaukee, WI. 24-28 March, 1999.
- “Monstrous Motherhood in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Nassera Chohra’s Volevo Diventare Bianca.” International Conference on Expressions of Joy and Sorrow, Atlanta, GA. November 6-8, 1998.
- “Cross-cultural Maternal Mythology.” Fourth Annual Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures, Chapel Hill, NC. March 19-21, 1998.